26 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Eric Hill
I quantified creatine kinase protein in two different samples then I got a bar graph shows a higher number of relative protein abundance in Sample 1 compared to sample 2. My question what this...
25 January 2017 8,570 2 View
In Protein quantification by (MaxLFQ) with minimum ratio count of two unique peptides was setup,is the criteria of quantification depends on the presence of these 2 unique peptides in Protein A in...
23 January 2017 2,400 2 View
Its general questions also about the quality of results between the two methods?what about the total protein ID?for example if I performed the two methods for 2 protein mixtures, in one of the...
18 January 2017 3,619 3 View
I separated proteins from porcine muscle tissue, and I noticed that three spots from CK-m type protein were resolved in around 39 kDa. My question is there any species or modified form of this...
11 July 2016 9,982 3 View
I had my protein sample in 8M urea, and I sent my samples to another lab to perform 2DE. The people there only concentrated the sample using 10 KDa Amicon Ultra spin column, does this step...
30 June 2016 4,844 2 View
I tried to calculate the total number of oxidation peptides but I noticed that on the list same oxidation peptides were given twice or even the third time for the same peptide.What does this...
09 May 2016 922 2 View
I used on my protein extract from a tissue a high concentration of DTT(1M), I faced a problem because of this high concentration in protein quantification because all the methods have interfered...
05 January 2016 7,086 9 View
I performed SDS-PAGE and load the same amount of protein (30 ug) from the same tissue, but with different extraction procedure. One lane is more intense than the other and looks that I load more...
29 December 2015 8,580 7 View
I performed my analysis on QTOF Premier(Micromass, Waters),then I converted my raw data file by proteinlynx Global server 2.5.2 to mzxML file.I would like to use this mzXML file in proteome...
26 November 2015 5,280 2 View
I measured tryptic peptides from my pocrine tissue samples and I was able to identify only 100 proteins from whole sds-page!! I used sus scrofa database (could this be the reason?) or the kind of...
24 February 2015 2,332 1 View
A larm message appeared on the screen of our safety cabinet: incorrect laminar flow. The problem that we don't have manual for this, and the company did not exist anymore. Any suggestions from...
17 February 2015 2,092 2 View
I have protein extraction from mamalian tissue,I want to do sonication to get rid of DNA and RNA then I will measure protein concentration by using nanodrop,and finally I will run on SDS-PAGE. I'm...
07 October 2014 763 10 View
Recently, I started working on Q-TOF. I faced a problem in sequential steps to run samples and wonder if the run of GluFib is OK or not. Therefore, I'm looking for a written SOP for Waters...
10 September 2014 6,852 5 View
I would like to extract proteins from mamalian muscle tissues,run 2DE then apply the desired digested spots to mass spectrometry,therefore im looking for a lysis buffer for these kinds of tissue...
21 August 2014 4,324 6 View
I performed 2DE for 4 samples and got 4 gels. I tried to color the spots in these different gels using photoshop cc software, but I could not save the colored file later. Can anyone help me color...
20 May 2014 7,622 3 View
I have four patterns of 2DE gels from my cell lysate and I want to compare these patterns using software. I tried before with the naked eye and but it was too difficult.
23 April 2014 9,961 4 View
I would like to prepare casein as standard protein for mass spectrometry analysis. I weighed 1 mg and I need to dissolve it to be ready for tryptic digestion. But I am confused which solution...
22 April 2014 8,789 3 View
I would like to determine the concentration of an anti-cancer drug on a cancer cell line to determine the concentration that I have to use to kill only half of the cells. I used a cell viability...
22 April 2014 5,191 23 View
I performed protein estimation using BCA FROM thermo-scientific,i did dilution 1:10,1:100,1:1000. i noticed that the three results after i multiply by dilution factor is very far from each...
16 April 2014 388 2 View
I have my own optimized protocol for standard protein using 1 pmol, but I need a suitable protocol for my protein extraction with amount 2 mg of protein.
28 November 2013 3,783 8 View
I need to prepare 8 M urea as lysis buffer to extract the proteins from cancer cell lines. Therefore I 'd like to know what suitable amount of cocktail inhibitors shall I use?
23 November 2013 1,664 1 View
I've reached now passage number 50 and I want to extract the protein for proteomics study
01 November 2013 3,980 0 View
And any papers to support this?
11 October 2013 8,123 1 View
I have lysed my cells using 8 M urea, but I noticed that the pellet is very viscous and it was hard to get rid of pellet and take supernatent. Why did this happened? and is it affected on measure...
24 September 2013 7,705 6 View
Did anybody try FK-2 ubiquitin antibody?How its work with WB and immunoprecipitation?
16 September 2013 5,641 1 View
I am searching for a protein lysis buffer for human cancer cells that is compatabile with mass spec. analysis.I have used RIPA buffer but the people from the mass spec facility told me, that the...
15 September 2013 6,049 4 View