22 Questions 420 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Emeka W. Dumbili
Recently, Clarivate Analytics (a company that owns Thompson Rueters) released the 2018 Impact Factor for journals, suspending many journals for manipulating their citations. Based on this, do you...
07 July 2018 7,073 39 View
On which circumstance(s) should a researcher appeal to an editor against his/her rejected article? Have you ever appealed against a rejection? Was the appeal successful? Please share your...
12 December 2017 9,120 75 View
As we approach the end of 2017, do you have any reason(s) to be grateful? If yes or no, please share with us.
12 December 2017 6,525 38 View
Based on life experiences, one can encourage or discourage his/her children from following a similar career path. Can you encourage or discourage your children from becoming...
11 November 2017 1,549 94 View
Reviews take time and other resources to conduct/complete, and multiple invitations are received from editors. Based on your experience, how many papers (ideally) should one accept/agree to review...
09 September 2017 10,036 81 View
If an editor sends a paper to you to review and you discover that it is the paper some authors had earlier asked you to read and give them feedback (during preparation) before submitting it to the...
09 September 2017 6,208 46 View
I found out recently that my name was listed as a member of the editorial board of a predatory journal. What will be your reaction if such happens to you?
08 August 2017 5,990 53 View
As an academics/researcher, do you (create time to) engage in community service? If yes/no, can you state your reasons?
08 August 2017 8,427 60 View
Many celebrities commit suicide despite that media portrayals ofen show that they are happy people. Is the media deceiving audience? Please share your views.
07 July 2017 2,191 36 View
The media (print and electronic) is very important in disseminating information, but different media channels are becoming increasingly biased. Is this a global phenomenon? Please share your...
02 February 2017 6,816 19 View
Some journals are listed in ISI/Web of Science but have no impact factor. Will you suggest such journals to early career researchers or should they always aim at publishing in high impact factor...
11 November 2016 558 54 View
In social sciences, theory or method-based articles and books (in extension- theorists and methodologists) often have many citations unlike empirical and other types of papers. Why? Is...
11 November 2016 989 19 View
From my experience as an early career researcher, although rejection hurts, quality and constructive criticisms from reviewers who suggested a rejection can help a researcher improve his/her paper...
06 June 2016 4,239 83 View
What can an author do to ensure that his work that has been plagiarised is removed from a predatory journal’s website?
10 October 2015 1,970 3 View
Is there any email settings that can help me block or avoid emails from these publishers? They send too many emails to my institutional and personal emails.
08 August 2015 7,390 14 View
Is there any benefit of reviewing papers for journals? As a graduate student, I have been privileged to review some papers. While some journals acknowledge peer reviewers by publishing their names...
03 March 2015 2,510 69 View
In many universities, doctoral degrees are awarded based on one's published work. What are the benefits over the traditional doctoral process? Any disadvantage(s)?
01 January 2015 8,299 2 View
I watched a tutorial on YouTube and the presenter mentioned that an abstract can be written before the main paper. First, is this advisable or ideal? Second, can it be discipline specific or...
12 December 2014 1,760 4 View
Most editors send statements such as: PLEASE NOTE THAT RESUBMITTING YOUR MANUSCRIPT DOES NOT GUARANTEE EVENTUAL ACCEPTANCE when they return decisions letters to authors. I want to know if such...
11 November 2014 9,893 3 View
I attended a seminar and one of the attendees narrated an ugly experience he had. He said that a journal rejected a manuscript researchers from his research institute submitted based on...
08 August 2014 930 20 View
A recent experience points to the fact that the majority may not. I submitted an article to a journal published by one of the major publishers. Few days ago, I received a rejection letter....
07 July 2014 9,888 8 View
I want to know how it is calculated. Is it an alternative to Thomson Reuters' Impact Factor? Is it recognized among academics?
05 May 2014 4,206 16 View