12 Questions 50 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dhanu Chettri
Dear Researchers, I am using CrystalWave tool modelling of photonic crystal. How do I define a uniform intensity light of wavelength 300 nm to 800 nm in Beam Excitor. Thanks, Dhanu Chettri
07 July 2018 3,067 1 View
Dear Researchers, I am modelling Quantum well structure in APSYS TCAD, Is it mandatory to define the well and barrier separately in .qw and .bar respectively or can I define the whole region in...
04 April 2018 9,020 0 View
Dear Researchers, I getting a convergence problem while simulating InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well solar cell. How can I solve it? Note: The problem occur when I add quantum well region, without...
03 March 2018 10,582 10 View
Dear researchers, I would like to learn first principle calculation for First-principles study of structural, electronic, and optical properties of cubic III-IV semiconductor. Kindly suggest me...
09 September 2017 7,000 2 View
Dear Researchers, A quantum dot confine particles (such as electrons) with a certain wavelength, it can be of certain nanometre size, but how is it different from nano dot? Thank you.
09 September 2017 7,506 2 View
Dear Researcher, I would like to know what is the what is the wavelength corresponding to peak solar irridation in Am0 and AM 1.5 ? When I check in the plot of solar irridation vs wavelength I...
02 February 2017 4,793 0 View
Dear Researchers, I came across different format to define mesh in silvaco, for example let us consider the following codes code no. 1: line x loc=0.00 loc=0.00 spac=0.1 code no. 2: x.mesh...
07 July 2016 1,363 1 View
Dear researchers CST, HFSS, FEKO etc. are some antenna design and simulation software, but I would like to know if this software can be used to design Micro-electro mechanical (MEMS) and...
03 March 2016 1,226 1 View
I would like to know which numerical technique is best for the analysis of patch antenna. Method of moments, finite element method, finite difference method, FDTD etc. are some of the most...
02 February 2016 5,515 4 View
I recently came across that when the pixel count exceed 6 megapixel, the quality of image is no more proportional to camera pixel. I doubt it and I am little confused about this statement. Can...
10 October 2015 10,116 5 View
I have been working really hard on micro strip patch antenna design using HFSS, and I do understand fringing effect in patch antenna but my question is how does the fringing effect will affect the...
10 October 2015 3,455 10 View
Dear Researcher, I am searching for new materials which can be used for Anti Refraction coating (ARC) in solar cell, I would like to know what parameter should I consider other than Refractive...
01 January 1970 4,378 3 View