7 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Debajyoti Biswas
I want to make polyaniline emeraldine base from PANI -HCl or any emeraldine salt(so basically dedope it).Can anyone please suggest any standard paper where the processing conditions for this...
24 February 2019 6,518 3 View
I have a spin-coated polymer film which senses humidity(with increase in humidity, current increases).I want to understand whether the water gets adsorbed or absorbed in the film.What experiment...
10 June 2018 4,427 3 View
I see that there a lack of resources about inkjet printed Schottky diodes.Why?Is there any difficulty producing it?
15 January 2016 2,476 3 View
I am printing organic semiconductors like PEDOT:PSS.For ordinary Epson printers nozzle diameter is 20 micron.Again for material deposition printers like DMP 2800,nozzle diameter is also 20...
26 September 2015 3,378 8 View
We know that conductive polymers like Polypyrrole can be used for radar absorbent materials,but what is the exact relation between conductivity of them and radar absorption?
11 November 2014 1,859 5 View
Polypyrrole, an organic polymer absorbs radar waves. So if Polypyrrole is pasted on surface of aircraft, it can act as a stealth one. Also, flexible organic solar cell can be used to form on top...
27 September 2014 9,180 4 View
Can you explain in a short and compact manner?
01 January 1970 1,812 3 View