8 Questions 26 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Colleen Maykut
As a reviewer how do you balance the criteria outlined by the journal (credibility, relevance, audience, timeliness, and readability) with the responsibility of nurturing novice scholars? What I'm...
01 January 2019 5,396 0 View
I am curious as how to blend a philosophy of humanism in higher education with the expectations of technological skills
04 April 2018 2,332 0 View
How do we as teachers foster "learning for the unknown?" We can't begin to prepare students for every situation - so how do we prepare them to engage in lifelong learning once they leave the...
01 January 1970 3,060 7 View
What are your beliefs and values on "radical education"? What is the value of embracing an emancipatory approach in higher education for students as well as teachers?
01 January 1970 1,491 1 View
Teachers have the opportunity to nurture, inspire, and challenge students to shape their tomorrows. What is important for you as a teacher to be remembered by - respect, sense of humour, expert,...
01 January 1970 8,582 2 View
How do you want your students to remember you?
01 January 1970 8,640 5 View
How would you describe a transcendental educator? Do we need to move from transformational learning to transcendental?
01 January 1970 4,257 5 View
How do you foster discourse (around the subject you teach) which enables the student to continue to acquire the necessary knowledge of their subject area and their role in the world?
01 January 1970 1,265 7 View