How do you foster discourse (around the subject you teach) which enables the student to continue to acquire the necessary knowledge of their subject area and their role in the world?
Hi. You are to choose a topic for discussion that arouse students' interest and meet their needs. Put students in groups and make oral competitions and debates between them. Students' engagements in tasks and activities are very important.
When I face such a problem, I don't force my students to complete the task, but I tell them, 'OK, we will do an interesting task. I hand them a prepared alternative exercises, eye-catching illustrations, show them a related interesting short video, or show them a power point file that you create to enhance critical thinking and students' engagements.
I think, if we use different educational facilities to express the content and discuss the importance of the topic, different theories related to the topic as well as their weaknesses and strengths, and then we ask the student's opinion about these subjects (papers, news or personal experience), It is possible for any student to be able to enter in any relevant field that he or she is interested in.
During the discussion, we can teach more contents and creativity. Also, Students with a background of content can contribute to the design of the next learning phase. Of course, because of teaching responsibility, we can monitor all steps and methods and guide our students.
Do you think there is a different approach based on the content we teach? I'm wondering if because you teach hard sciences and I teach a mixture of social sciences and humanities - we have different students?
Because your question was a general one, I also expressed my views in general ( we- different educational facilities- different theories- any student- any field- our students).
In addition, you know in each field, teachers can teach differently, based on their planning and personal experience. Even during the semester, a teacher can take different approaches so that each session is better than before, and it's also not boring for students, in this case you can customize the views of the professors and colleagues in a specialized way in your field and use the combination of different methods.
I agree - it's about the students and how we respond to them. I just know from teaching a hard science course and a philosophical course - I do teach differently