34 Questions 80 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chinedu Nwaigwe
I just started using gmsh for 2D triangulations and I'm observing that both the nodes and elements are being outputted in ascending order (consecutively). This is good as it makes reading the data...
08 August 2017 8,529 8 View
I want to know if there is any theoretical proof for the rate of convergence of the hydrostatic reconstruction method and also for the scheme of Mario et al for the St. Venant model for open...
10 October 2016 2,502 0 View
I need the English version of this paper which was publish in 1871.
08 August 2015 384 3 View
I need a well developed pre- and post-processor that can generate complex meshes and provide all the functionalities needed to solve flow problems in it. And also allow visualizations. The goal is...
02 February 2015 3,782 16 View
I like to work with the HLL and related solvers because of their robustness and simple implementation. The Roe solver is another good choice but the entropy fix problem is a turn off. So, I like...
11 November 2014 9,998 1 View
Given a PDE model with some constraints restricting the range of values of model quantities, how does one apply the idea of relaxation to such a model? Any idea or references on relaxation idea of...
09 September 2014 1,497 12 View
I have an urgent need for 1-D adaptive grid for my 1-D hyperbolic code. I will be very happy if anyone can assist me with this.
08 August 2014 5,573 9 View
Consider a 1-D flow along x-axis with z-axis in vertical direction. The fluid domain is bounded below by a fixed bottom at z=b(x) and above by free-surface at z = h(x,t)+b(x), with h= height of...
08 August 2014 4,082 6 View
Is there any approximate Riemann Solver, that does not rely on direct computation of eigenvalues of the flux Jacobian?
08 August 2014 701 6 View
What refinement indicators currently exist for hyperbolic system of PDEs, in particular, the shallow water equations? which is your favourite and why? also provide references.
07 July 2014 9,925 3 View
I already understand that one needs to pay for every private repository in github but one can get unlimited private repos in bitbucket. This is particularly making a lot of people, especially...
04 April 2014 4,151 6 View
Since explicit methods face stability issues, why is it that implicit methods are rarely used for time dependent hyperbolic problems?
04 April 2014 9,898 54 View
What then, is the best practice in overloading operators on members of the stl vector class? In particular, which of these three choices do you think is best? i) to use operator overload to...
02 February 2014 6,229 23 View
Hi all, could anyone tell me if there is any recently developed Riemann solver for hyperbolic conservation laws? I'm aware of the methods of Roe, Rosanov,kinetic, HLL,HLLC, Osher-Solomon, and in...
02 February 2014 336 1 View
Given a semi discrete system dU/dt = F(U). where U and F are large vectors. If this system results from method of lines for nonlinear PDEs that involves upwinding, then the actual form of...
02 February 2014 9,362 7 View
Terminology : Conservative and Shock Capturing.
01 January 2014 7,242 6 View
Could anyone suggest any papers that use the well-balancing approach, whereby an appropriate correction term is derived for numerical viscosity and used to balance the numerical flux and numerical...
01 January 2014 703 6 View
User defined copy constructor and assignment operator in c++: I think, they do the same job, if properly implemented.
01 January 2014 2,194 6 View
There is a multitude of well balanced schemes for the shallow water models with source terms. Which five of them can you recommend? The hydrostatic reconstruction is actually top on my list. So...
01 January 2014 734 2 View
12 December 2013 1,403 3 View
It has been stated that the pre-balanced formulation of the Shallow water models is advantageous in terms of well balancing. But another argument is that the pre-balanced formulation is not in...
09 September 2013 8,406 3 View
I'm implementing the Discontinuous Galerkin Finite element method for the SWEs. Kindly suggest some useful reference materials.
08 August 2013 2,204 4 View
How can one correctly represent the nonlinear terms like Hu^2 or q^2/H or q*u in a Discontinuous Galerkin discretization? Because if I expand the conserved variables namely, the free surface z...
08 August 2013 1,711 1 View
Could someone assist me on how to display a graph in python? I have downloaded and installed the canopy enthought environment for my python code. However, when I use the plot command from pylab,...
07 July 2013 8,937 4 View
In solving the shallow water models, I think that the problem of ensuring positive water level and the problem of handling dry cells in the computer code are two different problems? Kindly clarify...
07 July 2013 6,059 0 View
In the course of weak formulation, if one encounters a term of integral of derivative of flow variable, how would one treat it? I mean a term like this integral(g*h*db/dx) or...
07 July 2013 1,712 6 View
In deriving the Roe Jacobian matrix, I can see that the system is always under-determined, what then is the right way of finding the approx (Roe) Jacobian matrix? To be specific, In chapter 11...
06 June 2013 6,762 2 View
I have just started studying the shallow water equations. I have solved and implemented the Riemann Problem for the 1-D case. I now want to implement a finite volume scheme for the same 1-D SWEs...
05 May 2013 8,190 6 View
I am solving the Riemann problem for 1-D shallow water equations. I used the generalized Riemann invariants to obtain the values of the water depth and velocity in the star region. Do you think...
05 May 2013 8,419 5 View
Riemann Problems for system of conservation laws
05 May 2013 7,385 5 View
In a hyperbolic problem having 2 or more discontinuous initial data, is it possible for two shocks or two rarefactions or one shock and one rarefaction to run into each other? In that case what...
05 May 2013 399 23 View
I want to know the right CFL number or condition for a Godunov type scheme for nonlinear conservation laws specifically for the inviscid burgers' equation and others.
05 May 2013 9,208 3 View
I am learning to develop algorithm for flooding and drying. And am using the 2D shallow water model.
03 March 2013 7,245 3 View
What is the difference between a free boundary problem and a moving boundary problem? What methods are applicable to each kind? And where is the starting point in learning the numerical methods...
03 March 2013 1,667 3 View