7 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Caroline Marden
I am inoculating bacteria and fungi onto separate wood blocks. I know how to do the fungi, the bacteria I am struggling with as there appears to be different ways. I was going to grow bacteria in...
03 July 2017 9,664 24 View
It has been suggested I put a paper in to publish in AIMS microbiology, however I have yet to find an impact factor for this journal. Has anyone got experience with it? How do I find out it's...
20 March 2017 7,316 21 View
I grew up a weird looking fungal colony on SDA at 4C. I isolated it, did a DNA extraction, ran a PCR using fungal primers ITS1F and ITS4. I then sent it for Sanger sequencing. I have the sequence...
10 March 2017 2,869 9 View
I need to use an anti fungal and have got cycloheximide, is this right? 0.5 mg/mL stock solution - autoclave 200 mL water then add 100 mg Cycloheximide powder and mix After autoclaving agar, add...
03 March 2017 798 7 View
I am trying to find out the latest information on how many bacterial genomes have been sequenced and how many fungal. I have looked on NCBI but can't find any actual numbers. Does anyone know...
24 November 2016 3,148 3 View
I will be setting up experiment with one woodlouse and leaf litter per petri dish. The dishes will then be kept at 20C for a month in an incubator in the dark. The dishes will be taped on either...
26 April 2016 4,963 14 View
I have crushed up woodlice, serial diluted and spread plated and have growth of fungus on SDA+antibiotics. I have also done a DNA extraction and run PCR with fungal primers, bacterial primers and...
25 November 2015 4,106 6 View