4 Questions 30 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bishal Banjara
As in the case of Newtonian Physics, the gravitational potential is negative and hence the gravitational force is attractive. A consequence is that this negative value leads the singularity in GR...
09 September 2019 2,969 4 View
As we can see that there is much difference between 'gravity well' and 'Flamm's paraboliod' but their out looking shape resembles a similar fashion although it is said that both are distinct in...
07 July 2018 3,926 7 View
If GW is electromagnetic wave type as the LIGO used the Interferometer to detect its presence by a frequency shift. But in the case of light, the same interferometer was used by Michelson-Morley...
04 April 2018 7,115 2 View
This is the major question, still alive and there are lots of disagreements with the speed of light though, we have a giant jump on theoretical aspects by heading its consequences. If one could be...
03 March 2018 5,334 20 View