8 Questions 41 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Behrooz Rezaei
What do you think about the outbreak of coronavirus? Will the outbreak stop in China soon? Will there be an effective vaccine soon? Does the international community succeed in controlling it? What...
02 February 2020 7,203 48 View
Unfortunately, in many underdeveloped and some developing countries, the health status is still poor. This causes the people of this country not to have proper access to optimal health services....
12 December 2019 5,297 3 View
Dear researchers Do you think publishing an article has more impact for a researcher or publishing a book and chapter?
10 October 2019 996 7 View
Dear reseachers, some journals have strict rules for publishing articles which sometimes restrict the authors for publishing their study results (eg. number of words of main teext or abstract or...
09 September 2019 7,042 10 View
Dear researchers How can we increase the citations of our articles in international indexes? Please share your practical comments and experiences. Kind regards Behrooz
08 August 2019 443 6 View
In my recent study, I found that the health promoting behaviors of Iranian nurses were poor. Nurses usually have adequate knowledge about the health behaviors and the benefits of these behaviors...
07 July 2019 4,292 12 View
I found an Interesting result in investigating the relationship between job stress and clinical competence in clinical nurses (n= 250) in seven university hospital in Iran. I found that, there was...
07 July 2019 1,679 2 View
Dear researchers I have an article about the organizational citizenship behaviors of Iranian nurses. In your opinion, what journal is sutable for submitting this paper? Thank you in advance for...
07 July 2019 7,776 3 View