12 Questions 38 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Barbara Brezna
The regulatory institution European Food Science Authority (EFSA) publishes and maintains a list of organisms generally considered as safe for food production - The Qualified presumption of safety...
12 February 2024 8,485 0 View
I know there is a technology called Locked Nucleic Acids, that allows to design shorter PCR oligonucleotides with higher Tm. But how exactly is the Tm calculated, if LNA is incorporated ?
13 March 2023 3,844 2 View
I was told that survivors of tetanus do not generally acguire natural immunity to the disease. However, does it happen at least sometimes? Or, if not imuunity, do they have tetanus antibodies...
10 March 2018 1,381 3 View
Some medical professionals in our country believe that if amniotic sac sac stays intact during giving birth, it needs to be artificially broken at least at cca 8 cm of cervical opening during the...
19 December 2017 4,139 26 View
We know that gestational diabetes (diabetes triggered by pregnancy) can cause that the baby is born too large. Is there a publication with more detailed statistics or correlation graphs between...
23 January 2015 1,440 1 View
I needed the sequences of variable region V1, V2, V3, and V4 of 16s rRNA of Staphylococcus aureus. I solved the problem by manually locating the regions, using the alignment in this article and...
22 October 2014 2,941 7 View
Is there a publication comparing DNA yield and / or PCR-amplifiability after extraction from fruit flesh (like apples, oranges, cherries etc) in comparison to seeds of the same fruits? I would...
27 January 2014 728 0 View
In this article, I have noticed an information, that false positive samples in COVID testing by antigen tests were contaminated by blood: Liotti FM et al., Performance of a novel diagnostic assay...
01 January 1970 7,164 12 View
Imagine you have a whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequence of a bacterium. You want to identify what species it is, based on this genome sequence, but various softwares give different results. Which...
01 January 1970 7,259 2 View
We are screening for bacteria capable of producing extracellular protease ( / proteinase / peptidase). We focus on Lactobacillaceae like Lactobacillus helveticus, Lacticaseibacillus paracasei,...
01 January 1970 8,408 5 View
I have received a hear-say information, that people with autistic traits are significantly represented among policemen. Supposedly, Tony Attwood detected 15% of them in Australian police force,...
01 January 1970 8,494 6 View
I have a set of aligned sequences and would like to visualise them in a similar way like ncbi BLAST does Graphic summary, see the picture. I cannot use Blast for visualisation, because my...
01 January 1970 3,511 0 View