32 Questions 50 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bacha Munir
Hi friends, If we publish all papers in MDPI SCI journals during PhD studies, is it good?. Can it create some problems in future post doc apply or to apply some jobs?. What are your...
11 November 2019 3,823 4 View
Dear friends, I am interested in the solution of the following ODE with maximum accuracy using Euler method. dy/dt =Ay where A=[1; 0; 4], is a 3-by-1 matrix. Thank you....
11 November 2019 2,341 2 View
Dear friends, In the attached MPH file, I am simulating a gas bubble moving in fluid using COMSOL moving mesh application. The COMSOL weak form pdes application mode was applied but...
11 November 2019 669 4 View
Dear friends, I a have a problem in setting the line width of a graph in COMSOL/MATLAB live link simulations. Using the command mphplot(model,'pg1', 'LineWidth', 2) dose not work. How I can set...
09 September 2019 2,065 4 View
Hi friends, Dels is a surface gradient operator which we applying to find the tangential velocity along a surface/arc. It can be written as...
09 September 2019 9,367 3 View
Hi friends, I need to create a 3D geometry of bubble/droplet in a channel using COMSOL. Please, can anyone upload an mph file for such a geometry or can guide me?. I shall be very thankful.
06 June 2019 4,080 7 View
Hello everyone, I am looking for a geometry construction in COMSOL, when a small elliptical shape bubble moving in fluid in cylindrical channel using ALE (method) with appropriate meshing. Can...
04 April 2019 2,288 3 View
Hi all, I am simulating moving mesh in COMSOL where I need to apply Naveir-slip boundary condition (found in literature). I do not know its role in moving mesh free surface (air-liquid) flow....
03 March 2019 2,080 4 View
Hi, I am studying micro bubbles flow in lungs for mechanical ventilation. But due to less information about bubble simulation, I cannot. Dose, anyone have some mph files which can support my...
02 February 2019 2,797 3 View
Hi, I am using Comsol to simulate a bubble moving in blood vessel. In my simulation i am applying moving mesh (ale) application mode. Comsol solves equations, but the bubble can not move as...
02 February 2019 5,456 7 View
Hi everybody, I want to simulate a bubble moving in fluid, say blood using comsol. For such type of interfaces, to couple mesh motion with fluid motion, dose the following kinematic boundary...
01 January 2019 8,409 9 View
Dear friends, I am studying the variational formulation of Naveir Stokes equations using primitive variables. I have a little bit problem in understanding the steps (highlighted) to get equation...
12 December 2018 5,595 1 View
I want to implement the following integral as a weak constraint on curved surface boundary in COMSOL. How is it possible?. In the literature, i have searched that this can be implemented as weak...
12 December 2018 2,816 0 View
Hi, I would like to write the weak form of continuity equation using cylindrical coordinates. Please, can someone explain how to write to be compatible for COMSOL implementation?. Thanks in advance.
12 December 2018 1,034 4 View
Hi everyone, I want to integrate a very simple time dependent function f=t^2+1 in COMSOL model (parameters) from zero to 1. How is it possible, what predefined operator works there?. Thank you...
12 December 2018 3,812 3 View
Hi friends, Dose anyone have some experience in solving the Naveir Stokes equation using Modified Ozawa method in COMSOL. I tried for Stokes equation solution to solve channel flow, but...
11 November 2018 2,619 0 View
Please, can anyone explain me, how can I implement the boundary conditions (in the attached file after taking the contour integral zero) or weak constraints to an elliptical shape gas bubble...
11 November 2018 6,102 2 View
Hi everybody, I used the idea (in the attached file) to apply the surface tension forces to an elliptical shape micro bubble moving in fluid, but results do not match well with the required...
11 November 2018 7,976 0 View
I am studying modified Ozawa method in comsol with matlab live link. I did all the simulations, but could not found the results for my channel flow. There is one paragraph in the paper, which in...
11 November 2018 5,606 3 View
Dear friends, I am interested to study fluid flow in a tube by modeled based equations using COMSOL. I have modeled weak form pdes for stokes flow. When I am implementing the inlet boundary...
11 November 2018 617 7 View
Hi everyone, It would be great if someone explain me, how can I impose my inlet velocity and zero pressure for channel flow in COMSOL 5.3a, if I have my modeled weak form (PDEs) Naveir Stokes...
11 November 2018 7,050 4 View
Dear all, I have modeled my new weak form PDEs (for u,v and p) for channel flow using Naveir Stokes equation, which are different from existing laminar flow equations in COMSOL. Now I want solve...
11 November 2018 10,024 7 View
Dear friends, Dose anyone know about the following COMSOL error. Please, explain. Thanks. Error using Simulation (line 7) Java exception...
11 November 2018 4,734 0 View
Hi. Can anyone explain how we can implement surface tension forces on curved surface (gas bubble) moving in fluid using COMSOL? Thanks.
11 November 2018 9,826 5 View
I am simulating the bubble motion using NS equations in COMSOL 5.3a, but the equations cannot be converged. It would be grateful, if someone point out the mistakes in the simulations. The attached...
10 October 2018 4,301 3 View
If a physical model is not listed in the wizard, we can use Comsol's weak form to enter PDE's (governing equations of a system) in their weak form. How can it be done ? for example: 2 equations of...
10 October 2018 6,195 0 View
Please, can some one explain me a little (idea ), how to implement (equation 10 in the attached paper) as a weak constraint directly on an elliptical shape bubble (air-liquid interface) in COMSOL...
10 October 2018 6,484 3 View
I am studying the bubble motion in the fluid flow (two phase flow) moving in a bifurcating channel using COMSOL. Please, if there are any blogs/ tutorials or some helpful pdf materials related to...
10 October 2018 6,498 3 View
Hi all. I am solving Naveir stokes equations using FEM. After imposing the Neumann boundary condition, I have surface integral in my equation. Can please someone help me how to solve it. I know to...
07 July 2018 6,699 4 View
I am applying fem in my studies. I did all the variational formulation of the problem (Navier stokes equations 2D), but now i do not know how to make the global stiffness matrix for four points...
11 November 2017 1,626 1 View
I am applying fem to my non linear NS equations. I am going to apply newton method. I calculated the TSM. But my equations contain pressure and shear stress gradients, which are linear. So either...
10 October 2017 3,316 0 View
Hi everyone, For modeled based weak form PDEs of Naveir Stokes equation formulation in comsol, there is no inlet and outlet boundary conditions option for velocity and pressure for pipe flow,...
01 January 1970 8,299 7 View