7 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from B. Chandrashekhar
Fenton's oxidation involves the oxidation of organic molecules using hydroxyl radicals ('OH), produced by the reaction of Fe2+ and H2O2 in water. Can these 'OH radicals destroy acetic acid...
09 September 2018 8,501 12 View
In an agitated tank experiment, component 'A' from the gas phase (continuous mode) reacts reversibly with component 'B' from the liquid phase (constant volume/batch mode) to form product AB; hence...
12 December 2014 950 15 View
The complex of Fe2+-EDTA is stronger than Fe2+-NTA. I would like to know some other differences. Is it possible that two NTA molecules bind with one Fe2+ ion, which is not possible with EDTA .
11 November 2014 2,304 5 View
How do we decide the liquid flow configuration in case of packed bed bioreactors for waste water treatment? Which mode - up-flow or down-flow is better for biofilm development ?
07 July 2014 9,861 7 View
I have been using Ferrozine reagent (0.050 % w/w in 50 mM HEPES buffer) for determining the total Fe and Fe2+ ion concentration (and therefore the Fe3+ ion concentration from the difference)....
03 March 2014 3,039 16 View
I want to analyze total NTA (complexed with Fe + free NTA). Concentration may be upto 10 mM in water. Can anyone recommend the buffer, columns and conditions for HPLC analysis?
02 February 2014 4,440 3 View
Biological Denitrification- reduction of nitrates, nitrites dissolved in water to molecular nitrogen. Which electron donor (ethanol or methanol) would be more suitable if only nitrite or nitric...
02 February 2014 2,990 5 View