11 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Asmaa Nasr
I have been doing the m6A dot blot for a while with no improvement, I am extracting the RNA, and I can see the dots although the three biological replicas give a different reading on the memberan...
11 August 2024 8,440 5 View
I am trying to express m6A protein and a fluorescence one RFP in the piggyback vector. I was thinking first of using the P2A to separate between the m6A and the RFP protein but then I was afraid...
13 March 2024 9,679 0 View
Hi I am getting these weird curves on qPCR Anyone knows why ? I tried to decease the primer and tablet concentration No change.
19 December 2023 5,089 2 View
I am working with veroe6 for a while and every time I receive a new healthy flask one or two passages and cells become stressed. Please any one will give help why this happens and how to prevent...
20 July 2023 2,364 1 View
I have one 100bp and 1kb dna markers in the lab nearly and their expiry was in 2015, stored in -20 since then, will they still work well?
10 November 2021 2,360 6 View
I have ordered primers from Thermo fisher scientific and in the analysis sheet it has been mentioned two tm The first one is tm 1M na+ 70 and the second is Tm 50mM na+ 48 and each has different...
30 August 2020 7,298 12 View
When I run a gel on the extracted DNA from my samples I always notice smear with varying degree of strength what do they mean? a picture is attached to clear out my point I store the samples...
21 September 2019 2,322 12 View
I am using Qiagen blood and tissue kit for extracting of DNA from ticks I elute the DNA after incubation 1minute as manufacturers instructions If I increase the elusion step to more than 1...
09 April 2019 5,564 3 View
When I measure the Dna concentration for 2 samples The firest sample reading was all negative value abs 260- 1.4 abs 280-0.006 260/280 eas also negative -.44 While dna amount was -1.4 The second...
05 March 2019 4,458 6 View
Some websites such as CDC center for diseases control and prevention offers a section called The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). Therefore, I want any suggestions for other...
24 June 2017 7,288 31 View
I am working with mammalian cell lines, I can see some movements under the microscope, I know about the Brownian motion that can be caused by the cell debris but the question is how to...
01 January 1970 181 1 View