18 Questions 407 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Asit Kumar Batabyal
The real world data (e.g.environmental, geochemical studies), sometimes, do not follow a normal distribution. The data are found to be skewed and statistical analyses yield untrue results. The...
26 October 2017 7,194 19 View
The climate change refers to the changes in composition of atmosphere by enrichment of green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorocarbons which caused the increase of...
05 September 2017 4,213 60 View
In an area of continental set-up, the enrichment of sodium in groundwater occurs from the dissolution of silicate minerals and/or cation exchange. Can domestic waste water be a source of sodium in...
11 August 2017 816 7 View
In which situation, the decision of CFA should be taken instead of exploratory factor analysis (EFA). For CFA which method is suitable - Traditional (through common statistical package) or SEM...
11 August 2017 3,450 16 View
Communality value is also a deciding factor to include or exclude a variable in the factor analysis. A value of above 0.5 is considered to be ideal. But in a study, it is seen that a variable with...
09 August 2017 3,484 8 View
In statistics, what's the basic difference between factor analysis and principal component analysis?
31 July 2017 4,826 8 View
Generally , the CIA is interpreted as a measure of the extent of the conversion of feldspar to clays. It is computed using molar proportions as below: CIA = Al2O3 / (Al2O3 + CaO* + Na2O + K2O)...
24 April 2017 9,221 7 View
Groundwater is often found with high silica (SiO2) content. Generally, the silica-rich host rocks are the sources of SiO2 in groundwater. The host rock may contain crystalline (e.g. quartz) or...
15 November 2016 3,251 5 View
How the speciation and genesis of fluoride, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron etc .can be explained from the Eh-pH Stability diagrams?
13 November 2016 6,132 4 View
To understand the quality of groundwater of an area, we generally measure the various parameters like physicochemical, microbiological, trace metals, pesticides etc. The selection of parameters...
13 November 2016 8,159 4 View
The primary source of dissolved silica in groundwater is the chemical breakdown of silicate minerals/rocks by chemical weathering process. Therefore, high silica content in groundwater implies...
07 November 2016 3,730 9 View
The analyses of stable isotopes δ2H and δ18O have great significance in the groundwater studies, particularly to understand the mixing of surface and groundwater. How the stable isotope studies...
06 November 2016 3,447 6 View
Occurrence of high concentration of iron (Fe) in groundwater is very common particularly in areas of tropical climate. In groundwater, Fe generally occurs in the oxidation state - reduced soluble...
28 October 2016 4,325 27 View
Geochemical evolution of groundwater - the composition of groundwater changes along its flow path from fresh recharge water (CaHCO3 type) to different water types. How NaHCO3 type of water is...
23 October 2016 8,176 12 View
Ion-exchange is one of the important geochemical processes responsible for the composition of groundwater. The ion-exchange process can be identified by the computation of 'Chloro-Alkaline Indices...
22 October 2016 650 5 View
In my study, the fluoride (F) shows a significant negative relation with total hardness (TH) (r= -0.635). F also exhibits significant negative correlations with Ca and Mg. TH is positively...
21 October 2016 6,418 14 View
Probably, the presence of silica rich minerals (crystalline and as well as amorphous forms) in the host rocks are the sources of dissolved silica in groundwater. The solubility of silica in water...
20 October 2016 929 6 View
Some earlier studies demonstrated that the pH has a significant role in fluoride solubility. Anion exchange hypothesis has been proposed to explain the phenomenon. That is at alkaline conditions...
16 October 2016 2,394 3 View