13 Questions 52 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ashique Ali Arain
PPIs get bonded with the H/K ATPase pump through sulfide bonding irreversibly and it takes 18-24 hours for a new pump to get synthesized .My query is that if the drug is bound at its receptor...
24 May 2018 4,966 2 View
Our autonomic nervous system consists of adrenergic and cholinergic division both have their separate neurotransmitters nor-adrenaline and acetylcholine respectively but at few areas it is...
02 April 2018 6,978 2 View
Vitamin D is much prescribed as seen on most of the prescription papers by majority of physicians and there is no trend to repeat the test how it is assessed and when and how to treat if toxicity...
02 April 2018 3,269 5 View
Same drugs used in two similar studies 1.Inhuman 2. In Animals what difference between the dose of the same agent like omeprazole 40mg in human be kept in animals. Will it possibly affect the...
16 March 2018 7,017 1 View
Different aggregometers have been launched by different companies can some one advise the best with personal lab experience for PRP and whole blood experiments.
16 March 2018 2,058 3 View
It is found that most of the public is having low levels of vitamin D despite of having sufficient milk and eggs in their diet. I have been involved in many research surveys on vitamin d...
27 February 2018 7,144 8 View
Development of the vaccine against the malaria has long been worked upon what is its clinical outcome any experience regarding its current status ?
26 February 2018 8,747 5 View
Some studies suggest some anti cancer activity in grape seeds any body have personal experience
10 February 2018 2,572 7 View
Dry cough is a well known side effect of ACE inhibitors due to inhibition of metabolism of bradykinin and kallikren system by the same enzyme which converts Angiotensin I into Angiotensin II. But...
03 February 2018 9,667 5 View
Some chemicals substances are associated with hypersensitivity while others are not with underlying process of antigen -antibody reaction. Which foreign substance will behave as an antigen and...
16 January 2018 1,000 4 View
A social and moral question that what is trend in your county is it right that with advancement in education and technology the youth have decreased to respect the elderly and seniors at home and...
27 October 2017 3,541 5 View
My question is from the agriculture researchers and experts so please others are not invited to answer. If the soil contains some contents like poison and some croup is grown upon it like sugar...
25 October 2017 5,266 5 View
A simple question that comes in mind why antidepressants respond slowly to be effective in depression while their sudden withdrawal respond so quickly
17 October 2017 6,166 4 View