8 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Armin Hirbod-Mobarakeh
I am doing a systematic review and meta-analysis on immunotherapy. Some non-English articles (articles in Chinese, french and Spanish) are included in my search results. As I am not familiar with...
20 September 2014 9,235 5 View
How can I get a subspecialty of immunology and allergy in a US-accredited program? What is the most important factors for admission? How is the work environment of this subspecialty and the salary?
01 September 2013 9,673 1 View
What is the eligibility conditions and registration fee? Is it really important for admission to a Specialty program in USA?
01 September 2013 6,393 0 View
What is eligibility conditions? What is the work conditions? I am specially interested in research position with funding?
01 September 2013 2,615 2 View
I am writing an article and I need to show some concepts using graphs and pictures. Is there any software with which I can draw medical pictures? What about concept maps? Are there any medical...
01 March 2013 8,631 13 View
I am conducting a systematic review with a group of ten people. The problem is that I don't know who to add as an author and who to come first as an author. How should I define the first author...
27 February 2013 399 11 View
What are the disadvantages and advantages of using MeSH comparing search for the keywords in title/abstract in PubMed? Is it more sensitive or more specific?
24 February 2013 405 6 View
What is the best way to find different synonyms of a word to use as a keyword? What characteristics should a keyword have?
23 February 2013 971 10 View