4 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Antonio Dickson Sobrinho
Dear researcher, can you help in this research? When Industry 4.0 emerged, new technologies, concepts and industrial processes were created. In your opinion, what challenges and impacts has...
14 December 2021 3,255 5 View
Question: What the origins of the risks in the industry 4.0 ? How can we identify and assess the "emerging risks" ? Researching the " new risks” in the industry 4.0 is a hard work,
23 August 2019 6,015 14 View
Question. Even though risk has been studied and analyzed for a long time, but it is still considered the main source of stress for OHS workers and professionals. Regardless of the countless...
01 January 1970 1,028 3 View
Since the end of 2019, until now, we know that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global economy is being intense and enormous. In the global aspect, there is no distinction of continent,...
01 January 1970 8,611 2 View