25 Questions 27 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anirudh Nath
Suppose we have a nonlinear system: x_dot=A x + B u(t-T) + phi(x) + d(t) y=Cx where x:state, u:control input, d:exogenous disturbance (bounded), phi(x): nonlinear vector (satisfy local...
25 June 2019 7,029 3 View
I have a system in state-space as: x_dot = A x +b u + E; y=Cx where E is a constant vector. Q/ How to design state-feedback in LMI frame work for the above system? Normal Case: E=0; Standard...
02 September 2017 2,652 5 View
Dtqx=a(y-x) Dtqy=rx-y-xz Dtqz=xy-bz(t-tau) a,b and r are constants, q is the order (0
21 August 2017 1,552 14 View
I need to identify a system which is open-loop stable. Now if I want to identify it using neural network,would I need to make the system close-loop stable for collecting the input-output data points ?
11 August 2017 8,212 1 View
I have a PV array at the output terminal of which I have connected a Controlled voltage source. The controlled voltage source has been used instead of a variable resistor (in practical testing of...
09 August 2017 9,472 3 View
Suppose we have a lipschitz nonlinear system with a disturbance input. The disturbance is of decaying exponential like nature with an upper bound known. System: x_dot = f(x) + g(x)u(t) +...
26 April 2017 8,698 4 View
I have a nonlinear system with order 5. I have designed linear or nonlinear control algorithms for the systems. The input of the system have to be a positive signal and should have some upper...
08 April 2017 4,491 6 View
If we have a 5th order system and we have transformed it into a LTI state space representation in Brunovsky form where we have a chain of four integrators, then what will be the advantages for...
30 March 2017 8,903 3 View
I have 5th order nonlinear system of relative degree 5. That is, for feedback linearization this system is completely feedback linearizable where the input-output feedback linearization is...
29 March 2017 9,187 3 View
Since parameters like insulin sensitivity vary within a day of for the same Type 1 Diabetic patient, it is meaningful to introduce these concepts in the parameters of the mathematical models. Can...
18 January 2017 2,553 3 View
Q1/ For the stability analysis of a time delay system expressed by delay differential equations, Lyapunov-krasovskii functional are proposed. What is the physical significance of the double...
18 January 2017 3,447 4 View
Suppose, we have a system described by a set of ordinary differential equations. Is it possible to approximate the system with delay differential equations such that the properties of the system...
10 November 2016 3,598 3 View
dx1/dt = -x1.x3 + k12.x2 + EGP0(1 - x5) - F - Fr + u1 dx2/dt = x1.x3 - k12.x2 - x2.x4 dx3/dt = -ka1.x3 + kb1.x6 dx4/dt = -ka1.x4 + kb1.x6 dx5/dt = -ka1.x5 + kb1.x6 dx6/dt = -ke.x6 + ki.x7 dx7/dt =...
04 November 2016 5,311 6 View
The system is described by: dx1/dt = -ka1.x1 + kb1.x4 dx2/dt = -ka1.x2 + kb1.x4 dx3/dt = -ka1.x3 + kb1.x4 dx4/dt = -ke.x4 + ki.x5 dx5/dt = -ki.x5 + ki.x6 dx6/dt = -ki.x6 + u state variables: [x1...
01 November 2016 9,470 8 View
The insulin secretion in the body of a Type 1 Diabetic is impaired/absent. Is there any insulin secretion in the body for a typical Type 1 Diabetic Patient? If yes then what is the level (typical...
28 October 2016 5,790 3 View
I have a nonlinear system with single input and single output. It has a disturbance input. I have input-output data of the system. How to perform system identification of this system?
05 October 2016 385 3 View
The system is nonlinear described by a set of 8 ODEs (8 states). Two discontinuous functions (jump discontinuity) are present in the first state equation. Can any one suggest the method to design...
17 August 2016 9,756 4 View
An already established model for a given system described by nonlinear differential equations have 8 state variables. I have collected the input-output data from the standard model. Now, I have...
09 August 2016 337 5 View
I have input-output data for a nonlinear systems described in terms of differential equations. Now, I want to estimate the parameters of the differential equation through neural network. I am...
05 August 2016 8,672 2 View
A system is described by a set of 8 non-linear ordinary differential equations with known disturbance profile and some dis-continuous functions. The state space is given as follows: dx1/dt =...
17 June 2016 4,308 2 View
If a system is expressed by several first order non linear differential equations and the relative degree is very high (say 8), and the control input appears in the eigth equation and the first...
11 June 2016 5,399 1 View
The IVGTT Bergman minimal model is given by: dG(t)/dt = - p1(G(t) - Gb) - XG + DdX(t)/dt = - p2.X(t) + p3 (I(t) - Ib)dI(t)/dt = - n(I(t) - Ib) dD(t)/dt = - BD(t) Q1/ For Type 1 diabetic patient,...
09 April 2016 3,546 0 View
If no insulin is infused to a Type 1 Diabetic Patient and the patient takes normal diet of breakfast, lunch and dinner, then what will be the maximum blood glucose concentration in plasma...
09 April 2016 2,087 4 View
With Wiener model it is possible to decompose the input-output relationship into two inter-connected blocks where the dynamics are represented by a linear dynamic block (linear system) and the...
17 October 2015 8,148 6 View
any other control technique other than feed forward strategy
17 October 2015 1,553 13 View