12 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anil Kumar Chauhan
I am (a theoretician) looking for the experimental parameters where one can drive an optical cavity with maximum frequency. Interestingly, I am curious about the constrains so that one can't go...
27 February 2018 4,949 4 View
Consider a cavity with movable end mirror. Cavity field generates radiation pressure on mirror and give rise to coupling of field and mirror. This coupling is linear and can be made quadratic with...
25 April 2016 3,404 3 View
Politics can never brings peace in the society as it works on "Divide and rule". can we have any other alternative or counterpart for politics so that people can live together with harmony and peace?
18 February 2016 2,713 9 View
Optomechanical cavity consist of two fixed end mirror with "membrane at the middle set up". The membrane placed at node or antinode give rise to quadratic OPTM(optomechanical) coupling, which is...
10 February 2016 6,408 2 View
We know FM is being used in both (telecom network and Radio) cases for transmission of signal. but still telecom companies are charging a lot to provide network facilities as its counter part...
27 January 2016 6,411 2 View
The position of the oscillator fluctuates with a root mean square displacement amplitude del x= (Kb*T/m*w^2)^1/2, where m is mass of the oscillator and w is frequency. At high temp. oscillator...
11 December 2015 609 24 View
Edited:- Does the total dipole moment of an atom and induced dipole moment between two levels interact together for a transition?
11 August 2015 1,225 3 View
we know there are different systems to generate squeezing of light. But I want to know:- 1) which one is the best system and how much squeezing we can get at it's maximum and minimum value? 2)...
09 February 2015 385 2 View
In BEC no. of atoms should remain constant. That's why we can not use same statistics for photon. but, 1)what are the minimum no of atoms?, which will show BEC. 2)What about one atom(BEC) and...
22 December 2014 2,937 11 View
we use unitary operator for evolution of a system w.r.t. time.can we do reverse? or Can we evolve any system(Quantum) backward in time? If we can, then we could understand the so called Big bang...
19 November 2014 4,100 17 View
We know that they are coupled together. How to separate them? Is this possible to uncouple or not?
16 September 2014 1,318 6 View
"Perception affects perspective and vise versa" Looking for a short and concise ans.
01 January 1970 5,899 1 View