7 Questions 36 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Allan Wee Ren Ng
I am currently looking for laboratories or cell line repositories that are working or have worked with Fabry disease who are willing to provide me some transformed Fabry cell lines preferably...
08 August 2017 2,262 2 View
I would like to induce colorectal cancer via injection of cancer cell lines into mice models. So far I've found literature regarding the number of cells to be injected, but I'm not sure which part...
04 April 2015 4,528 6 View
I am going to manipulate KRAS gene from mammalian cancer cell lines for vaccine production, and the gene codes for the KRAS protein (189 amino acids). I've already chosen my own antigenic region...
11 November 2014 8,685 4 View
I'm writing my literature review on PPOs now, and facing a problem of identifying the type of PPOs. I found out that there are tyrosinase, catechol oxidase, and laccase, being the 3 major...
12 December 2013 1,042 3 View
I'm going to extract polyphenol oxidases (PPOs) from a fruit peel and would like to find out their pH optimum so I need to incubate the purified enzymes into different test tubes, containing...
05 May 2013 8,848 2 View
I'm going to work on polyphenol oxidase (PPO) extracted from a fruit peel, and from what I read recently I came out with a series of purification steps involving ammonium sulphate fractionation,...
05 May 2013 1,228 22 View
For example after running a column chromatography I realized that five of the collected fractions contained high enzyme activity (after running an assay on each). So I've pooled the five fractions...
05 May 2013 4,649 8 View