14 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alireza Amani
In the literature, there are graphical (approximate) ways to estimate AEV from the soil water retention curve. I wonder, how can one more accurately estimate AEV according to its definition: the...
29 March 2023 2,580 1 View
Hi Would you please let me know if the following is accurate as an answer to the question: Suppose we have sensors which measure the volumetric soil water content of a soil layer for a long...
02 August 2020 8,600 3 View
Hi Do you any publicly accessible ground observations which have both solid and liquid precipitation rate? Preferably for many sites in different regions. Assuming that ground measured data...
02 August 2020 9,665 3 View
I have a very basic, but important question regarding the Ben-Tal, Robust Counterpart (RC), methodology. What is the mathematical justification, for solving a dual version of the semi-infinite...
19 February 2019 5,950 3 View
Hello dear scholars, in the context of the hydropower generation, what is the limit of power generation? Should I see it limited by the nominal capacity of generators, from above? Because, I...
27 January 2019 7,096 5 View
Dear scholars, I am interested in subtracting the baseload from the total electricity demand (hourly). Is there any general way to do so ? (Assuming that I can not contact the Central Dispatch...
13 November 2018 640 3 View
In order to start up a hydro unit and connect it to the grid, it needs to reach the frequency of the grid first, then can be safely connected, I wonder, is there any way to measure, calculate or...
29 October 2018 1,122 1 View
In the Unit Commitment Problem, for a hydropower system, trying to meet the forecasted demand. If the scheduled generation ( solution of optimization) have variations with the demand, say 0.01...
26 October 2018 8,223 4 View
Range of Variability Approach, is introduced in the D. RICHTER 1997 article , "How much water does a river need?" for designing "management targets" for the eco-friendly river management. My...
04 September 2018 4,077 6 View
Considering thermal power plants, operational costs, start-up costs of units, are mainly due to the fuel consumption. I would like to know what are some specific costs of daily operation of a...
26 August 2018 4,305 10 View
I do not want to dig deep into theory of duality regarding the mixed integer programs, because I know they are far from being convex. but, I did try to formulate dual of a very simple knapsack...
21 June 2018 5,479 9 View
Would you please explain to me what is the technical definition or explanation behind the point that, in a convex optimization program or space, the equality constraint must be affine.
12 June 2018 5,036 3 View
Would you please explain a bit about infeasible solutions to a unit commitment (UC) problem and what dangers and consequences it may lead to ? by solution to UC I mean a day-ahead schedule of...
19 March 2018 9,766 7 View
we need to design a pipe which will carry the storm coming from all three watersheds , suppose this situation , if time of concentration associated to the last watershed ( closest to the pipe )...
17 January 2017 5,858 4 View