10 Questions 96 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales
Recently, I was surprised because in my city, a private university, has funded a project which title/objective is to assess the efficacy of an antimicrobial therapy for an indication which has...
16 July 2017 6,465 12 View
There are clinical scenarios, such as those patients with clear contraindications for the use of systemic drugs (e.g. renal failure), in which topical or intralesional therapies would be better...
03 March 2017 8,548 2 View
As has been suggested and proven, among multiple triggers of autoimmunity, some infectious diseases agents, would do that. My question, which are the most likely viruses that can induce autoimmunity?
14 February 2017 8,591 4 View
Given the relatively rapid progression in areas of Brazil (8 states until yesterday) in approximately one month, how faster or when would be expect to have cases of Zika in other countries of the...
13 June 2015 3,887 8 View
The following organism was found coming out from a AIDS-patient with a skin ulcer.
23 April 2015 2,904 22 View
Since ending 2013 I have read that there was a discovery of a new (the fifth) serotype of dengue in Asia, however, no published specific paper on it has become public. In fact many short notes,...
17 March 2015 5,481 22 View
Recently, has been stated by environmental health authorities that in Colombia there is not present Aspergillus, which to me, given the nature of this fungal species, is not real, but also reports...
06 March 2015 4,711 8 View
I would like to have this information at least for 2013, regard movement of ships between different countries ports in order to estimate potential people movement from high endemic Ebola countries...
03 November 2014 3,425 11 View
There is little available information regarding the evolution and outcomes of patients with diabetes mellitus who acquire leishmaniasis, tegumentary or visceral. We are documenting a series of...
30 September 2014 9,218 5 View
I would like to read opinions about this. Because most of the studies use other techniques, using MIC, to assess the antimicrobial susceptibility? Is there a restriction from CLSI to use disk...
20 September 2014 3,940 27 View