9 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahmad Albalasie
Can anyone provide me with the name of some new books which they discuss the industrial robot applications especially for the pick and place applications and how we can choose a suitable robot for...
04 April 2016 7,088 0 View
Which algorithm is used for path planning in case of scara robot? Is it in task space or in the joint space?
12 December 2015 387 7 View
Dear All Is the path planning for industrial Scara robot in task space or in joint space for? In addition; if it is in task space how I can avoid the singularity?
12 December 2015 6,391 2 View
Is there is any reference guide me how I can choose the correct type of industrial robot for the pick and place applications? For example: if I have pick and place robot. This robot can reach 1...
07 July 2015 7,040 1 View
I'm working on path planning for robot. However, I would like to ask how I can minimize the cycle time for the industrial robot, the motion of the robot is between point A and point B (the problem...
01 January 2015 5,451 7 View
if I want solve two point boundary problem and if I want minimize the cost function J=Integration(u1^2+u2^2) sub to xdot=f(x,u) where g=(u1^2+u2^2) ; u1, u2 are torques traj x: is the...
11 November 2014 2,420 3 View
if some one has references, examples or book please send to me?
10 October 2014 6,284 2 View
I'm using the steepest decent method to find a solution for optimization problem. Can someone please guide me to the best method to find the step size to speed up the convergence rate?
09 September 2014 8,448 6 View
In other words which method is not sensitive method for the initial assumption for the input ? Secondly can I use it to minimize function such as F=(x,p,u1,u2) with two inputs to minimize u1,u2 at...
08 August 2014 2,592 9 View