28 Questions 104 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adam Hughes
Following this guide, I get the impression that EDC/NHS activation is used to link to primary amines to carboxyls. Wouldn't it also activate secondary amines on arginine and other amino acids? If...
20 May 2015 9,335 7 View
I'm looking for this style of microtube (ignore the filter). I think it's about 1.5-2mL, but I really am just interested in the base. Instead of a tapered/canonical bottom, it has a wide bottom....
30 April 2015 1,361 4 View
Imagine a paper X builds a new sensor, and then uses the new sensor to detect protein Z. When citing paper X, I might want to point out that they've build a new sensor. EG:"New sensors have been...
09 March 2015 6,176 45 View
In spectroscopy, we generally look at an object of some composite color (ie a white light, a red cuvette of nanoparticles, a green lawn) and separate the composite colors into a spectrum. For...
19 February 2015 746 3 View
I've done calculations using Fresnel's equations and the transfer method matrix calculation on layers of thin films. These ray-optics calculations make sense to me, but I don't have a good...
27 January 2015 9,572 2 View
Hi, We're trying to model the optical properties of a biosensor, and one key parameter seems to be the thin film between the glass surface of the sensor, and the self-assembled gold monolayer....
09 January 2015 6,571 4 View
I'm modeling a system which requires effective mixing theories in two places. First, I'm modeling a shell of proteins around gold nanoparticles as a homogenous mixed material of protein (n=1.5 or...
22 December 2014 4,630 3 View
Hi, I'm trying to perform an honest assessment of the state of open-source software for simulations of plasmonic systems. For example, simulating the transmittance/reflectance off of an optical...
21 December 2014 9,696 5 View
Hi, We're doing some LSPR studies measuring antigen-IgG binding, and I'm trying to learn the general properties of IgG's. From the few I've studied carefully, they have similar masses...
07 November 2014 198 4 View
Hi, We've been using EDC/NHS activation to covalently attach proteins to a carboxylated gold surface with fair success. We'd like to begin immobilizing IgG's, and I'm worried about controlling...
09 September 2014 3,362 11 View
Imagine I have an SPR chip, either biacore, or a custom gold surface, and I activate with EDC/NHS, add some protein for covalent immobilization, and then want to block out the remaining sites. At...
09 September 2014 7,051 7 View
Hi, We are looking to do some basic sensor characterization and would like to purchase a cheap antigen and primary antibody (polyclonal or monoclonal doesn't matter) system. We've had success...
28 August 2014 4,809 3 View
I am using ez-link biotin from pierce (http://www.piercenet.com/product/ez-link-nhs-biotin), and noticed they offer different length spacer arms for different level of steric hinderance...
19 August 2014 9,949 4 View
Hi, We using 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane to self-assemble gold nanoparticles on glass fibers. I've been coating the gold monolayers with carboxy-PEG-thiols. I've noticed that after we put...
01 August 2014 5,552 4 View
Hello, We are getting pretty nice self-assembled gold monolayers on glass slides through 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane. We then usually go on to coat the gold with layers of polyethylene...
27 July 2014 4,754 1 View
I am working with self-assembled monolayers of gold nanoparticles on an aminosilane-functionalized glass surface. We are coating the gold with various carboxyl-terminated linkers, either...
21 July 2014 7,981 14 View
We are looking at set of protein sequences from the purple sea urchin, and trying to identify the function of a subset of 200 or so proteins in the genome that have a very specific domain. From...
22 May 2014 397 19 View
We have gold nanoparticle monolayers on silanized glass surfaces, and have been trying to coat the particles on the surface with mixed monolayers of OH- and COO- terminated alkanethiols. We've...
22 May 2014 6,134 2 View
We are looking to measure a specific interaction between NeutrAvidin and an antibody. We've read that Streptavidin does not appreciably bind antibodies specific to Avidin, but there is no...
16 May 2014 3,179 3 View
I've found several papers that are able to significantly reduce AuNP-protein adhesion by coating AuNPs in mixed monolayers of 16-Mercaptohexadecanoic acid and 11-mercapto-1-undecanol. Even...
30 April 2014 7,508 6 View
I'm trying to perform EDC/NHS cross linking between 16-mercaptohexanoic acid (MHA) and proteins on the surface of gold nanoparticles. The gold nanoparticles are attached to a glass substrate...
18 April 2014 6,470 3 View
I have several stock powders that I'd like to store for as long as possible in a refridgerator. We have limited access to N2, so what I've been doing is distributing the stock powder into smaller...
17 April 2014 1,573 1 View
We've developed a biosensor based on plasmonic resonance of nanoparticles and would like to perform antibody-antigen conjugation experiments. With almost no formal biology experience, it's really...
17 April 2014 1,218 7 View
I use pirhana to clean glass fibers and slides for gold nanoparticle self-assembly experiments. The piranha frees hydroxyls on the glass, which then allow for covalent binding to various chemical...
19 October 2013 8,295 27 View
I am interested in using optical fibers with sharpened tips for detection in biochemical systems. We are coating the tips with metallic films or nanoparticles. I've noticed that groups that make...
10 May 2013 5,787 2 View
I read in a paper that when one etches a fiber to a very sharp tip (say 100nm), as light propagates down the fiber, it will begin to leak out of the fiber at a certain critical diameter. In other...
10 April 2013 4,989 5 View
This is one of those gritty details that never makes it into a paper. I often use Amine-capped silanes (such as 3aminopropyltrimethoxysilane- APTMS) in hopes of constructing monolayers of gold...
29 January 2013 1,125 4 View
I have been successfully depositing home-made, 30nm citrate-capped gold nanoparticles onto amine-functionalized glass surfaces. Recently, I noticed that a couple other batches of particles (one...
27 January 2013 9,722 7 View