7 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abdul Aziz Khalfan Al Bahri
in bio-fluid samples, we used to add mobile phase (mobile phase A, B, or mixture) to the sample after extraction and prior to LC-MS/MS Wondering, it does not affect the analyte concentration?!!!....
28 October 2023 10,015 2 View
In our daily drug analysis. We note sometimes the screening results are higher than the confirmation. For example, THC is in most time the screening concentration is higher than the confirmation....
13 December 2021 5,950 1 View
Dear all I am wondering how to estimate the optimal volume of enzyme and buffer volume in enzymatic hydrolysis. For example, if my enzyme is 150 KU/ml b-glucuronidase and want to develop an...
22 September 2021 4,546 1 View
I am trying to study the matrix effect by standard addition. From my reading, I found a standard addition method that is used to study ion suppression and enhancement. Aliquots of the case sample...
05 June 2021 3,295 1 View
We do use enzymatic hydrolysis in the extraction of abused drugs in blood and urine. For example, if I am using 150 kU/ml b-glucuronidase and the sample volume is 100 ul, what is the optimal...
17 November 2020 3,043 3 View
To those who are interesting in toxicology, I have postmortem urine and blood samples, both are initially positive for THCA using EIA and ELISA techniques respectively. The THCA in blood has been...
05 May 2020 3,056 0 View
Hi everyone I am wondering what is the easiest calculation of % alcohol percentage in beverage if I used GC-FID and the result is by mg/100ml unit I hope to see full calculation with example...
01 January 1970 6,605 0 View