19 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from A. I. Arbab
In Hall effect, when a magnetic field is applied to a sample, electrons are deflected and accumlate sideways. Can one determine this angle? I have a formula and want to check it.
13 March 2023 5,030 2 View
Owing to the classical electromagnetic theory, an accelerating charge emits radiation whose power is given by the Larmor formula. Does a quantum analog of Larmor power exist?
30 November 2022 5,715 0 View
The black hole is a thermal system as defined by the Hawking radiation hypothesis. The black hole emits radiation at a very low temperature. I would like to know how one defines its thermal...
08 January 2021 286 4 View
A conservative force can be expressed as a gradient of some scalar function. In other words, if the curl of the force vanishes, then the force is said to be conservative. The torque and force...
23 April 2020 1,890 0 View
The magnetic field due to a current passing in a conductor is known to be B=mu_0 I/(2 pi r). But what is the magnetic field due to a single electron moving inside a conductor of cross-sectional...
30 December 2019 4,078 6 View
In superconductivity the photons are assumed yo be massive as a manifestation of Higgs mechanics. Can we analogously say that photons are also massive in quantum Hall effect. Both phenomena are...
26 March 2018 6,799 3 View
Light is redshifted/blueshifted when travels in gravity by an amount proportional to the gravitational field, as if it had effective mass . The photon acquires mass inside a superconductor making...
28 February 2018 9,524 4 View
A conservative force is define as a negative of a gradient of a scalar. Is it possible to define a force as a curl of a vector? If so, what does that force mean? I found a relation connecting the...
03 June 2017 1,517 0 View
Hall effect arises whenever a magnetic field is applied to a conductor or semiconductor. As a result a Hall voltage is registered across the given specimen. With the same token, does this effect...
14 December 2016 5,811 10 View
It is understood that when a material is cooled below certain temperature it loses its resistivity. Why do we think in terms of matter nature of electrons. Superconductivity is transmitted by...
02 December 2016 9,629 9 View
As hypothesized by Unruh, an accelerating observer will observe black-body radiation with temperature T=a \hbar/(2 \pi c k_B). The Josephson junction radiates with very low power. Does this...
24 May 2016 9,509 0 View
The kinetic inductance is found to be larger for superconductor than the magnetic one. In a recent work I have found that this ratio is given by L_supper=L_conductor x (N_cond/N_super), N number...
27 March 2016 9,316 1 View
Gravitational wave has now becomes a reality. It is analogous to the electromagnetic wave that is emitted by an accelerating charged object. What type of wave is it? A tensor, a vector or a scalar...
13 February 2016 1,670 3 View
Matter wave are associated with particle motion. In what direction does it travel? Is it along the particle velocity or opposite? What about momentum conservation if it travels along the particle...
19 December 2015 7,013 3 View
Michelson-Morely experiment could not prove the presence of the aether. But how does aether affect matter waves? Should we look for aether by influencing matter wave rather than light? I have...
25 September 2015 5,819 3 View
By how much will the vacuum impedance change?
16 October 2014 876 5 View
The space inside an atom is taken to be flat a priori. If this were not the case, we should consider the effect of curvature on the atomic phenomena. How much one would expect to get if such an...
08 April 2014 8,549 5 View
In GR, the gravitational wave is deemed to emerge from quadruple radiation, while in electrometrics the Larmor radiation emerges from dipole radiation. Why does the dipole radiation vanish?
08 April 2014 9,816 18 View
The orbital angular momentum of a planet yields a repulsive force from a central mass. Why the spin angular momentum of a planet does not yield a similar effect? How can one include a spin angular...
01 January 1970 3,244 2 View