Searching a questionnaire relates to covid 19 for exploring the relationship between covid 19 and economy of a country. Can you please share your ideas about that?
There are a number of websites that deal with questions related to COVID-19 and the economy. You may want to check the following website out: COVID-19 and the economy: Your questions, our answers
Envío informe redactado por la Cátedra de Régimen Económico y Fiscal de Canarias de la ULPGC que dirijo sobre el REF ante la crisis económica y social del coronavirus.
Dear Halima Begum, Is the question above questionnaire questionnaires regarding the impact of the development of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic causing Covid-19 disease on the economic processes and functioning of individual companies and institutions and on the entire economy, or is it rather about sharing the results of research conducted in this area?
Dariusz Prokopowicz thanks for your query. I need the questionnaire questionnaires regarding the impact of the development of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic causing Covid-19 disease on the economic processes and functioning of individual companies and institutions and on the entire economy.
Since the impact of covid-19 on the economy is going to be quite significant and across different dimensions, you can list a number of indicators that you wish to explore. You can start from the macroeconomic impact: economic output (GDP) & fiscal space, banking, equity market etc. Then you can look into potential impact on businesses/enterprises, jobs. There are a whole range of areas to choose from and your inquiry will also depend on specific country context.
Though most stock markets are nosedived recently, the transitory effects will have prolonged impacts on economies and companies’ earnings because of coronavirus pandemic.
This is also evidenced by the fact that the Fed decreased very recently interest rates to zero levels and the markets keep nosediving. This is an indication that markets are already far sighting and factoring the long-term impacts of current world events because of coronavirus pandemic. I am afraid, but current world events will have major impacts on companies’ earnings, which will definitely led to many bankruptcies.
Prof. Dr. Mazin A. M. Al Janabi
Full Professor of Finance & Banking and Financial Engineering
To encourage discussion of the economic impact generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the control measures taken at the international level, we invite you to read the following article.
Economy or Health, Constant Dilemma in Times of Pandemic: The Case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2020. DOI: 10.22207/JPAM.14.SPL1.07
Article Economy or Health, Constant Dilemma in Times of Pandemic: Th...