Am struggling to solve this equation.
I want to find how much the temperature increases in a solar collector in time.
I have an equation for a vacuum type collector - its a polynomial...
Power (in watts) = AG(no - a1dT/G - a2(dT)^2/G)
A being aperture, G being solar incidence no being conversion factor, a1 and a2 being the loss coefficients - all these values are known. dT is difference between ambient and the collector temperature.
If the collector contains say 2 litres of water, you can use this equation, the energy to heat this is defined as
Power (in Joules) = mCdT
where m is mass, C is Specific heat of water and dT is temperature difference.
What I want is an equation that relates dT to t like
dT = somefunc(t)
So I can plot a graph and/or work out how the temperature of the collector increases in time given a known ambient temperature.
My maths just isn't up to the job...
Thanks in advance.