21 February 2019 5 480 Report

Dear scientists of noble gas and hydrology,

Would equilibrium and/or excess concentrations of noble gases change after isolation from gas exchange with atmosphere? (Non-atmospheric noble gas was not taken into consideration in this question.)

Relationship of solubilities of noble gas and salinity were found and reported by Weiss (1970 and 1971), Weiss and Kyser (1978), Clever (1979 and 1980), Benson and Krause (1976), and Smith and Kennedy (1983). The higher salinity would lead to lower gas concentration if other parameters like temperature and pressure stay unchanged.

However, reported data was from air-water exchange interface like in unconfined aquifers or surface water system. Would it be available for groundwater in CONFINED aquifers? That is to say, would dissolved noble gas degas in confined groundwater due to the increase of salinity? Or would gas concentration stay undisturbed in groundwater flow system after isolation from gas exchange with air?

Any feedback, answers or discussions would be welcomed. And I would greatly appreciated for that.

Kind regards


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