I am using Tempe pressure cells to generate a soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) by weighing the cells at successive matric equilibrium intervals. I say “theoretical” because according to Hopmans and others, one should slightly de-saturate the soil at the start to achieve even drainage. So for the sake of argument let’s say one starts at approximately 1 kPa. The standard procedure is to dry out the core at the end to obtain the weight of residual moisture and add this to the total outflow weight during the experiment. But what about the moisture lost between 0kPa and 1 kPa? And even if this were separately captured, judging the exact point of saturation is highly subjective. An alternative approach suggested in the literature is to use total porosity (calculated from bulk density, volume and particle density) as a proxy for saturation volume. Would this be the best approach?

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