If we use concrete cubes instead of concrete cylinders for finding the stress-strain curve, what effect it will produce? Will both be the same or will there be an effect of h/d ratio?
Strength of cube and cylinder (if h/d=1) will be different. It is related to the contact area of the samples and the press and form of this area. For strain measurement using samples (cylinder or prism) with h/d=4. This is done to eliminate the undue influence of contact friction on the sample behavior.
Of course it will be. Strength of cube will be larger than cylinder (if h/d=1). And deformations of cube (especially transverse strain) will be larger too. If you use prism and cylinder with h/d=4 stress-strain curve will be more similar.
Why do you want to use cubes samples? As I know for take stress-strain curve according to the standards in all countries need to use prisms or cylinders.
@sergey, due to some reasons, I am not able to use cylinders/prisms. Now I want to use the cubes. Is there any relation(empirical) between stress-strain curve of cube and cylinder?
The stress strain curve of cylinder and cube will be different. Since an uniaxial compression load is applied, the cylinder will give more accurate result because the stress and strain in lateral direction will be same in all directions. This is not so with cube sample. The failure model will be different if compared with cylinder sample.