Our scientists are less qualified to include the actual mechanism for global warming. For this reason average global temperature has risen to more than 2.5 degree Celsius for which the estimate is 1.5 degree in last 100 years period of observation.
They are unaware of the fact or certain group of their peers restrict them to open that fact. Due to missing of this fact, till date scientists have no concrete/solid step to tackle the acute global warming issue at present.
The main cause of such a problem as climate warming is considered to be the burning of oil, gas and coal to generate electricity. It is spent by machines in industrial enterprises, cars, mobile phones, and computers. When Gorenje fossils are formed, the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2). Forests that can hold it are cut down and destroyed by fires. In their place appear arable land.
For millennia, global CO2 emissions remained stable until the industrial age began. About 200 years ago, humanity chose to use machines instead of muscle power, water, and wind. Since then, the level of carbon dioxide has been continuously increasing. Under its influence, the temperature of the earth's surface increased by an average of 0.8 °C. This was enough for large-scale climate change.
According to a number of scientists, if people take up the problem of global warming in the coming years, the pace of climate change can be reduced. With the same way of life of people to avoid the fate of the dinosaurs will not work.
Scientists offer different ways of how to fight and how to stop global warming. Ways to solve the problem of climate change and reduce the burden on the environment are very different: from landscaping, breeding new varieties of plants that are adapted to changing conditions, and ending with the development of new technological processes that will have less impact on nature. In any case, the fight should be aimed not only at solving current problems, but also at preventing negative consequences in the future. Reducing the use of non-renewable energy sources and switching to renewable energy sources is not the least important. Many countries are already switching to geo-and wind power.
Much attention is paid to the development of regulatory documents, the main task of which is to reduce emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere and preserve biological diversity. This requires significant investment, but as long as people put their own well-being first, it will not be possible to get rid of the problem of climate change and prevent its consequences.
You hit the problem square on--the greenhouse gases trap the heat, but on land it is the barren surfaces that absorb the sun's heat, like the barren deserts, our roadways, our rooftops when they are not covered with solar panels, etc. I have attached a Sentinel-3 image to illustrate what I am talking about. The cure would be very easy, replant those barren desert areas with their native perennial grasses, trees and shrubs, that you can see at https://www.ecoseeds.com.cool.html
Pressure of industry is definitely the main factor (see Abhijit), and COPs agreements usually reduce government emissions, but not private emissions (see Gopal). We need an inventory of which industries contribute to major emissions to take action on them. Despite certain group restrict to open that inventory (see Radhashyam).
Before attempting to understand climate change, it would be wise to at least identify what causes it. The shallow science applied by the consensus, which assumed CO2 as the cause, has failed. Humanity has caused about half of the warming since 1900 as a result of water vapor increase due to increasing irrigation. The rest of warming has been natural from SST cycles and solar grand maximum which has ended. CO2 has no effect on climate. https://watervaporandwarming.blogspot.com