I have a circuit, attached. The poles and zeros of the circuit are in complex conjugate form like below :
Zeros= [-670427900.148936 - 3021472068.0380j, -670427900.148936 + 3021472068.0380j]
Poles = [-29731053.8633437 - 2799443304.38963*j, -29731053.8633437 + 2799443304.38963*j]
when I use a voltage step function with a rise time of 1 ns, the transient simulation doesn't run. However, if I increase the rise time to 2 ns, the transient simulation runs. Is there any reason for such behavior?
The stop time for simulator is set to be 100 s not 100 ns.
For stop time of 100 ns, the transient simulation runs when the rise time of step function is 1ns.