am trying to make POSCAR file and xyz file using vasp for NbReSi compound using VESTA. However, I notice that the number of atoms for xyz file is given as 41 whereas for POSCAR is it 36. Can anyone kind to explain why there is the difference? The cif file is given here.
#(C) 2023 by FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure. All rights reserved.
_database_code_ICSD 600059
_audit_creation_date 2013-02-01
_audit_update_record 2019-08-01
_chemical_name_common 'Niobium rhenium silicide (1/1/1)'
_chemical_formula_structural 'Nb Re Si'
_chemical_formula_sum 'Nb1 Re1 Si1'
_chemical_name_structure_type TiFeSi
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 11.45
Structure and superconductivity studies on ternary equiatomic silicides, MM'Si
_publ_section_comment 'Cell and Type only determined'
primary 'Bulletin of Materials Science' 1985 7 215 228 BUMSDW
primary 'Subba Rao, G.V.'
primary 'Wagner, K.'
primary 'Balakrishnan, Geetha'
primary 'Janaki, J.'
primary 'Paulus, W.'
primary 'Schoellhorn, R.'
primary 'Subramanian, V.S.'
primary 'Poppe, U.'
_cell_length_a 7.070(5)
_cell_length_b 11.442(5)
_cell_length_c 6.606(5)
_cell_angle_alpha 90.
_cell_angle_beta 90.
_cell_angle_gamma 90.
_cell_volume 534.39
_cell_formula_units_Z 12
_space_group_name_H-M_alt 'I m a 2'
_space_group_IT_number 46
1 'x+1/2, -y, z'
2 '-x+1/2, y, z'
3 '-x, -y, z'
4 'x, y, z'
5 'x, -y+1/2, z+1/2'
6 '-x, y+1/2, z+1/2'
7 '-x+1/2, -y+1/2, z+1/2'
8 'x+1/2, y+1/2, z+1/2'
Re0+ 0
Nb0+ 0
Si0+ 0
Re1 Re0+ 4 a 0 0 0.2501 . 1.
Re2 Re0+ 8 c 0.0295 0.3764 0.12 . 1.
Nb1 Nb0+ 4 b 0.25 0.2004 0.2964 . 1.
Nb2 Nb0+ 4 b 0.25 0.7793 0.2707 . 1.
Nb3 Nb0+ 4 b 0.25 0.9979 0.9178 . 1.
Si1 Si0+ 4 b 0.25 0.9747 0.5055 . 1.
Si2 Si0+ 8 c 0.006 0.1675 0.9953 . 1.
#End of TTdata_600059-ICSD