Dear colleagues,

I am studying half-metal ferromagnetic bulk material. So by definition half-metal means presence of a band-gap for minority (spin-down) states. Both VASP and Quantum espresso (plane-wave DFT packages) reproduce perfectly half-metallic DOS with a band-gap at the Fermi level (E-Ef = 0 eV).

While in the case of Siesta the DOS shape is nicely preserved BUT it's systematically shifted to the right at ~ 0.5 eV. As a result, no band gap at the Efermi, see the figure attached.

Shortly it means that Siesta doesn't allow to consider my bulk as half-metal in contrast to e.g. VASP and QE.

So why Siesta tends to shift half-metallic DOS?

Maybe it's some technical artefact (some equation in the Siesta code) cased by half-metallicity and, therefore, wrong evaluation of equilibrium Fermi level when spin-up states are presented and spin-down are not.

Maybe the reason is that VASP and QE are plane-wave packages while Siesta employs atomic orbitals as a basis set. But can it explain my problem?

Some obvious things I tried to check:

- Use LDA/GGA and other functionals

- Change k-points/cutoff

- Change basis (SZP, DZP, etc.)

- Implement +U (for the transition metal Co and Fe atoms but it only broadens Eg to the right)

- Change smearing

In all these cases Siesta DOS is shifted ~0.5 eV to the right in comparison with VASP & QE. And I have no idea what to do...

I would highly appreciate any suggestions or advices. Thank you!

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