Why most people have positive affect balance (more positive affect than negative affect) most of the time?

 First variant of the answer to this question: people have positive affect balance because most of the people have more successes than failures,  more «income» than «expenses» most of the time (positive affect balance is a function of good performance).

Second variant of the answer to this question: people have positive affect balance because good performance is a function of positive affect balance (humans were selected for positivity offset in their evolutionary past, and positivity offset determines positive affect balance, which determines good performance).

A) Which answer do you like more? First__; Second__.

B) Which version of the answer is more relevant as a base for the research the problem today, in your opinion? First__; Second__.

C) What dependence is stronger, in your opinion: 1) performance as a function of affect balance or 2) affect balance as a function of performance? 1) __; 2) __.

D) Your comment: ……………….

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