I´m using Maxquant 1.4 with my .raw data, I follow all the instructions of the user's guide, but when I check the results in Maxquant Viewer the identification table doesn't appear.
Do the txt files (proteingroups etc) have content?
I had similar problems, when I moved the folder where the processing took place to another location. And sometimes, it just takes really long to load...
Basically just leave everything at the same place as it came out from processing.
however, if the txt file has no content, then the viewer (which reads the txt files) will not have anything to show. So something must have gone wrong during the MQ run in the first place.
Maybe you can send me your mqpar.xml and i can try to spot the error.
there are some possibilities, but I would bet my money on a problem regarding filepaths. I would think, that MQ does not like the % and spaces in the fasta files and raw files paths. Maybe put every database into c\:database\ and the raw file into c\:data\
Also:have you checked the andromeda configuration? Are you sure the parsing rule is ok?
I am assuming, that you usually have more than one raw file? Otherwise I am not sure how the LFQ algorithm reacts. This could also be a problem.
I am currently using maxquant as part of a metaproteomic software called metalab. However, i have the same problem! The proteingroups.txt is always empty, thus the software is unable to continue with functional analysis. How did u manage to solve such problem?
I just followed Tobias' advice (thanks Tobias!). I removed from the fasta files and paths special characters (%, |, etc). The experimental setup file was empty also. You can check the file before running MQ.