I'm working with cp 3800 GC and when I inject my sample, the running chromatogram is one peak but it's save is two peak and this save shape is Different from running shape?
Can you please share the chromatograms? As the change in shape might be due to upward or downward drift which occurs due to column contamination or incomplete conditioning of the column, this could be overcome by cleaning the injector by solvent and by conditioning the column until a stable baseline is obtained. The presence of two peaks could be merely a split peak which can be due to a jerky injection.
You provided no detailed information or chromatograms so no constructive answers are possible. *Your current observations could be explained by something as basic as a difference in the the time scale (X-axis) between the two chromatograms.
You may want to review with your teacher how to use a pulsed flame photometric detector. They can be set up to selectively detect specific samples (elements) and you may be looking at different, selective plots or outputs. If you have it set up to monitor more than one element, you could generate a report with multiple peaks.