Dear RG community, the unitary limit in the amplitude of dispersion * in QM is very complicated and elusive to explain, although there are firmly pieces of evidence, that unconventional superconductors such as HTCSs and Heavy Fermions are mostly in the strong scattering unitary limit at very low energies (temperatures) and a certain range of dopping by non-magnetic impurities. There are also pieces of evidence that point to the same conclusion in Fermi & Bose atomic gases ~,#.

We will publish a preprint on this topic.

I will showcase 3 references in this thread, for now:

* 1. Quantum Mechanics (non-relativistic theory) Landau & Lifshitz, Chapter XVII on elastic collisions, Pergamon, 1977.

+ 2. Superfluid Fermi liquid in a unitary regime by L. P. Pitaevskii, arXiv & Physics - Uspekhi v. 51 p. 603 (2008).

# 3. Momentum-resolved spectroscopy of a Fermi liquid E. Doggen & J. Kinnunen Scientific Reports volume 5, Article number: 9539 (2015)

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