Hello everyone,

I am trying to run a MD simulation for a non-standard ssDNA molecule. As it had many nonstandard residues I used ACPYPE and Antechamber to prepare GROMACS compatible topology. I divided the PDB file of the structure into 4 sections/parts having same residue IDs.

I then added H atoms to each of the different parts. Then I used YASARA AutoSmiles server to get the charges. Following this I fed the mol2 file with user defined charges options to ACPYPE. I used ff amber and the resultant gro files were all assembled into a single topology.

I did in vacuo and in-solvent minimization using both Steepest Descent and Conjugate Gradient methods. The structure did converge to tolerances of small forces (100 - 200 kcal/mol/nm). However I am unable to have a proper equilibration as it is failing on LINCS / Charge group moved too far in GROMACS.

Can anybody help with some suggestions?

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