I want to calculate cohesive energy of fcc system at room temperature and 0 pressure. So I used following code for NPT.
units metal
velocity all create 100 87287 mom yes rot yes
neighbor 2.0 nsq
neigh_modify once no every 1 delay 0 check yes
thermo_style custom step press vol temp etotal pe ke
timestep 0.01
fix 3 all npt temp 100 298 100 iso 0 0 100
variable eng atom "etotal"
dump 1 all custom 100 dump.temp v_eng
run 50000
Results after 50000 runs:
pressure is varying from -1300 to 1400
temperature oscillating about 90
why is pressure having negative value? Is number of runs insufficient? How can I minimize total time?
Thanks you for your response.