The primary cause of maternal death is complications during and following pregnancy and childbirth, with almost all of these deaths being preventable with the resources that should be accessible to any woman approaching childbirth. Unfortunately, however, women in these Africa countries simply don’t have this access. so that maternal mortality is significantly higher due to the insufficient level of care available. Millions of mothers gave birth without trained help that leads women died during and following pregnancy and childbirth. Even if the mothers can reach a hospital for delivery the life-saving medications are not available.
Maternal Health & care is related to the country's GDP and good governance structure at all levels. There must be sustainable investment & structural frame work in all the preventable causes of high Maternal mortality:- Malaria, Preventable infections, anaemia & malnutrition .
Also important is increase literacy level , access to health care and basic clean water
Maternal mortality rate is high in Africa and influenced by number of factors as follows: low number of trained personnel, beliefs, the mother having many children as they continue producing children when above 40 years, early marriage under 18, and reproductive organs of these adolescents are mature, give birth at home, TBAs and other
Thank you for your question. It reminds me the intervention pyramid. It was published by WHO ( Mother-Baby Package: Implementing Safe Motherhood in Countries (WHO, 1996, 108 p.) If, you want to work for decreasing maternal mortality a number of activities should be done. The health of mothers is attainable with a comprehensive vision. Otherwise, It is difficult to achieve maternal health and decrease the maternal mortality ratio. The pyramid is attached
In my opinion the above answers are incorrect, but I am just another person who does not live in Africa so I dont think any of us should be commenting on this. You live in Ghana, Africa- WHY DONT YOU TELL US?