I'm processing several files using pandas data frames. I used an index to create a list of values at specified values for further data analysis.
Low = Data.Frequency[Data.Frequency == Val1].index.tolist()
Mid = Data.Frequency[Data.Frequency == Val2].index.tolist()
High = Data.Frequency[Data.Frequency == Val3].index.tolist()
I then converted these values to a numpy array for plotting in matplot lib.
#Converting list to numpy array for plotting
Low_Band = np.array(Low_B).flatten()
Mid_Band = np.array(Mid_B).flatten()
High_Band = np.array(High_B).flatten()
BP = [Low_Band, Mid_Band, High_Band]
The plotting was done using the standard plt.boxplot.
plt.boxplot(BP ,patch_artist=True)
I'm not sure why I have all these extra lines and whiskers on the plot (shown in figure attached)
Any help would be appreciated.