We need to focus on innovation, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration. These are considered to be essential tools to prepare students for the future.
Today, “design thinking” is applied to everything from product development to business management and it’s also uncorking a bigger discussion in the professional communities that concern themselves with education. As a concept, design thinking has been around for ages. It’s basically the same as the “creative design process” (Pfau,2014)
Today, “design thinking” is applied to everything from product development to business management and it’s also uncorking a bigger discussion in the professional communities that concern themselves with education. As a concept, design thinking has been around for ages. It’s basically the same as the “creative design process” (Pfau,2014)
Design Thinking provides a guidance process which is easy to understand. Starting from the "problem space" it brings everyone up to a certain level of understanding. Within the "solution space" everyone creates ideas based on a mutually defined problem.
In my view this process is key in education where you work with different levels of expertise and the need to work together with an interdisciplinary team. For students of all age this means through design thinking they get an understanding of problem solving, communication and collaboration for their future careers. It is not so much about the methodology and tools they learn, its more changing their behavior towards a more collaborative way of working together.