Recently, I tried to gather soot (carbon black) at slide glass through alcohol lamp burning. The glass was positioned over flame of wick (about 5 cm from the wick). Under amorphous glass condition, it could not endure high temperature of  flame. Although it barely endured the flame and the soot was deposited at the glass, the soot was easily escaped the glass by little breeze. So I replaced the amorphous glass with a quartz glass for standing heat. The soot was collected at quartz glass and it showed little enhancement of adhesion on the quartz glass (Not escaped by little breeze !). 

So I have two questions,

1) Why soot is more adhesive at the quartz surface than amorphous glass surface?? Some paper recommended that the soot could be collected at the quartz surface or Si wafer. Is there any profound mechanism on it?

2) Is there more convincing way to adhere soot at the surface (substrate)?

Plz give a kind answer for me!! :)

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