Dear researchers,
I'm new to Quantum ESPRESSO software and I have a question regarding the input file for 2D vanadium carbide quantum dots. I've prepared one using atomic positions obtained from the Materials Project and VESTA software. However, the output does not contain relaxed atomic positions. Also, the energy does not converge in scf calculation. What mistakes have I made in this input file?
Could someone with expertise in this area kindly review my input file and provide feedback? I'm particularly interested in ensuring the accuracy of the data and parameters included, especially given the absence of relaxed atomic positions in the output.
Thank you in advance for your assistance
title = 'v2c'
calculation = 'vc-relax'
restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
outdir = '/root/v2c/relax/'
wfcdir = '/root/v2c/relax/'
pseudo_dir = '/root/v2c/'
prefix = 'v2c'
tstress = .true.
tprnfor = .true.
ibrav = 8
A = 26.0
B = 20.0
C = 11.0
nat = 54
ntyp = 2
ecutwfc = 48
ecutrho = 631
occupations = 'smearing'
degauss = 0.02
smearing = 'gaussian'
electron_maxstep = 100
conv_thr = 1.D-6
mixing_beta = 0.7
tqr = .true.
cell_dynamics = 'bfgs'
cell_dofree = 'y'
C 12.00000 C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
V 50.9451 V.pbe-spnl-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
V 4.418456 1.700666 5.726196
V 2.945637 4.251663 5.726196
V 1.472818 6.802660 5.726196
V 7.364093 1.700666 5.726196
V 5.891274 4.251663 5.726196
V 4.418456 6.802660 5.726196
V 10.309731 1.700666 5.726196
V 8.836912 4.251663 5.726196
V 7.364093 6.802660 5.726196
V 13.255369 1.700666 5.726196
V 11.782550 4.251663 5.726196
V 10.309731 6.802660 5.726196
V 16.201007 1.700666 5.726196
V 14.728188 4.251663 5.726196
V 13.255369 6.802660 5.726196
V 5.891277 0.850332 3.548618
V 4.418458 3.401329 3.548618
V 2.945639 5.952326 3.548618
V 8.836915 0.850332 3.548618
V 7.364096 3.401329 3.548618
V 5.891277 5.952326 3.548618
V 11.782553 0.850332 3.548618
V 10.309734 3.401329 3.548618
V 8.836915 5.952326 3.548618
V 14.728191 0.850332 3.548618
V 13.255372 3.401329 3.548618
V 11.782553 5.952326 3.548618
V 17.673829 0.850332 3.548618
V 16.201010 3.401329 3.548618
V 14.728191 5.952326 3.548618
C 4.418457 0.000000 4.637407
C 2.945638 2.550997 4.637407
C 1.472819 5.101995 4.637407
C 0.000000 7.652992 4.637407
C 7.364095 0.000000 4.637407
C 5.891276 2.550997 4.637407
C 4.418457 5.101995 4.637407
C 2.945638 7.652992 4.637407
C 10.309733 0.000000 4.637407
C 8.836914 2.550997 4.637407
C 7.364095 5.101995 4.637407
C 5.891276 7.652992 4.637407
C 13.255371 0.000000 4.637407
C 11.782552 2.550997 4.637407
C 10.309733 5.101995 4.637407
C 8.836914 7.652992 4.637407
C 16.201009 0.000000 4.637407
C 14.728190 2.550997 4.637407
C 13.255371 5.101995 4.637407
C 11.782552 7.652992 4.637407
C 19.146647 0.000000 4.637407
C 17.673828 2.550997 4.637407
C 16.201009 5.101995 4.637407
C 14.728190 7.652992 4.637407
K_POINTS automatic
1 1 1 1 1 1