An editor of the Real World Economics Review writes:

"There is no science which uses axioms and logical deductions to derive scientific theory."

Here I counter that ballistics is a science and that it is deductive, based on three axioms proposed by Leonhard Euler.  There are many other examples of sciences deduced from axioms.

The editors of the RWER and the organization that publishes it, the Post-Autistic Economics Network (now calling itself the World Economics Association), tout themselves as promoting pluralism.

The dictionary defines pluralism as "a theory that there is more than one basic substance or principle."

Yet in actual practice, pluralism means banning all mathematicians except statisticians.  Pluralists today are fully defined as those people who believe that statistics is the ONLY principle.  The belief in a single principle is correctly called monism, not pluralism.

So my question is:  Why doesn't pluralism include deductivism?

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