Hello everybody. I made six piles of Bokashi organic fertilizer through an aerobic fermentation process with the following recipe:
for 100 kg of bokashi:
Mature manure 40kg
Soil 40kg
Wheat Middlings 20kg
Yoghurt 1kg
Beet Molasses 20g
Yeast 20g
Water 25 L
Three of the six had also phosphate rock 10kg
Mixed everything and let ferment for a week, mixing it up everyday.
When it was finished I took samples and sent to laboratory for analysis.
Now I run Infostat software for an ANOVA with fischer test (0.05 significance) and it shows that there are significant differences of Organic Matter (MO) and Organic Carbon (CO) between phosphate rock treatments (Con RF) and ones without (Sin RF).
I attached the info.
Could anyone help me with information about this ?