I was getting some unexpected p-values when performing statistical tests in Matlab (such as very small p = 1e-40) so I decided to check their

behaviour on a synthetic dataset.

I performed tests 100 times, each time generating a new pair of datasets from N(0,1), as follows:

pd1 = makedist('Normal', 'mu', 1, 'sigma', 0);

sample1 = random(pd1,100,1);

sample2 = random(pd1,100,1);

p = kruskalwallis([sample1, sample2], [], 'off');

p = ranksum(sample1, sample2);

p = signrank(sample1, sample2);

[h, pValue] = kstest2(sample1, sample2);

sample1zero = sample1 - median(sample1); %for dispersion test

sample2zero = sample2 - median(sample2); %for dispersion test

[h, pValue] = ansaribradley(sample1zero, sample2zero);

[H, pValue, SWstatistic] = swtest(sample1);

[H, pValue] = lillietest(sample1, 'MCTol',0.1);

Results are shown on the graph(image).

I expected the p-values to be high and consistent, since both samples come from N(0,1). However, the p-values of all tests range from 0 to 1 and the

medians are around 0.5.

Are these results correct? Is my methodology faulty or expectations incorrect? What am I missing?

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